by Space3ac | Oct 28, 2020 | Insights |
The worldwide pandemic situation changed a lot in our lives. Besides lifestyle restrictions, it created a demand for innovative solutions that could help daily routines. In these circumstances, there is a need for rapid prototyping and issuing ready to market...
by Space3ac | Oct 21, 2020 | Accelerator news, Insights |
Profit. Generally speaking, I could finish this post because most people working in innovation will confirm this. But I prefer to use a different word: benefit. Profit must go hand in hand with money. The benefit has such an advantage that you can apply it in a much...
by Space3ac | Oct 14, 2020 | Insights |
Events like InfoShare or Wolves Summit are great opportunities to make new connections and meet interesting people. During this worldwide pandemic, most of the events were moved from congress halls or expo venues to the online world. It saves time and money for travel...
by Space3ac | Oct 7, 2020 | Insights |
Asking questions is a simple matter. As a father of two bullies, I hear a whole lot of them every day. Even a little kid can ask more than 400 questions a day. It’s the best way to gain knowledge that will leave you wanting more and more answers. Questions are...
by Space3ac | Sep 30, 2020 | Insights |
Probably you’ve heard stories, when the idea which looks stupid and should never work, turns into a multimillion business. And there are even more stories when the perfect innovative idea with a brilliant team failed and burn a huge amount of money into production and...
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